Montoyia McGowan, LCSW

"Not being part of a community can have a negative effect on your mental health and emotional wellbeing."

Mental Wellness Moving to a new city, relocating to another part of town, loss of a significant relationship, death, change in jobs, starting a business…..all these things can affect your sense of connectedness.

Having someone to connect with, someone who share common interests, someone who can relate to your lifestyle without you having to explain the back story can help increase your mental wellness.

What do I mean when I say “community?”

Well, the definition of community is a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. Being on a chess team, participating in a running group, joining a small group at church or hanging out at the local cigar bar are examples of “community.” Who are your people? Who do you most identify with? Who do you want to identify with? Who makes up your social support system?

Developing a support system can provide you with a sense of belonging, social connectedness and can cater to your desired lifestyle.

Going to a place where you feel you belong regularly can also offer extra meaning and purpose to your everyday life. Not to mention…your people will be looking for you if you go too long without checking in. Who doesn’t like to feel missed? That’s where the love is right?

In the world of mental health there are several aspects that we like to explore to see where your happiness can increase. As a therapist we explore the four major components of your life to see where there may be a mental wellness barrier to help increase your quality of life. Those four areas are physical, emotional, mental and social aspects of your life. Often times we work, we parent, we give, we learn, we teach and then we go home. It can be so very difficult to give ourselves some social time to help refill our self-care cup!

For several years I enjoyed living the suburban mom lifestyle with my kids friends over almost everyday. It was everything I dreamed it would be. After my daughter went off to college our house felt “still” without her presence. One day I explored what was missing. I realized I longed for a lifestyle change. I needed to feel a different type of connection. Moving downtown Memphis was the perfect antidote. And that’s where I found my community, Uptown Vibe.

Downtown Memphis and the Uptown Vibe has given me more than a sense of community. The community connection gifted me new quality relationships, a voice, the opportunity to be creative (The Halloween Parties) and the opportunity to encourage others to show some self-compassion after a long day’s work.

As your local therapist I would like to challenge you….correction I would like to prescribe a healthy dose of “get out of the house and find your community.” I would like to encourage you to make time to nurture healthy, lasting connections and share a few laughs before you retreat back to your everyday life. Your mental wellness depends on it!