Staying Healthy this Winter

It looks like winter has finally arrived and is ready to stay awhile. With changing weather conditions, the propensity for catching a cold, getting the sniffles, and general feelings of being ill increases. In an effort to help you all stay healthy this season, we reached out to 3 healthcare professionals for their top tips on limiting our chances of picking up a bug or getting the sniffles this winter.

5 Tips for a Healthier Winter

1. Get a Flu Shot

Not everyone is a believer in getting a flu shot, however getting one is a good “first line of defense” against the nasty flu bug. Check with your doctor before inoculation to ensure you are a good candidate. There are some age related factors and certain health issues that could prevent one from receiving a flu shot.

2. Wash Your Hands

This one should go without saying, but it’s worth restating. Germs can be lying in wait on nearly any surface. You can pick them up through out your day without knowing it. So it’s a good rule of thumb to wash/santitize your hands: -After using the restrooms -Before you eat or come into contact with any food items -After shaking hands -After pumping gas -Before touching community surfaces/items Also, keep your hands away from your mouth, eyes, and nose to help prevent germs from entering your body.

3. Don’t Mingle with the Sniffles

You can generally spot someone with a cold and it’s best to limit contact with them to lower your risk of picking up the same bug they have. Also, if you’re sick or not feeling well, please do what you can to limit your contact with others. And of course, always cover your mouth & nose (preferably with a tissue) whenever you sneeze or cough.

4. Treat your Body Right

Keeping your body in optimum shape by working out and eating right is key in your fight against germs and bugs. Stay physically active, eat balanced meals, and stay hydrated. And don’t forget to get enough sleep! A tired body is a sluggish one. Sluggish bodies don’t make the best gladiators.

5. Keep it Clean

At your place of work and at home, disinfect all frequently touched items such as:

-Door handles


-Cell phones

-Keyboards & desks



And be mindful while you’re mingling at holiday parties, never double dip! Not only is it a bad social practice and rude thing to do, it’s a great way to spread germs to others. And there you have it, five simple tips to help us stay in fighting form this winter.

Special thanks to Ralonda Davis, Trice Flake, and Iris Taylor for their assistance and insight.